fastATE is a technology for integrating ATE’s based on using intelligent modules or building blocks (modularity) to design and build turn-key solutions with a minimal effort of engineering.

6TL FastATE In-Line Test Handlers.

Optimize & shorten your production-test, using 6TL FastATE In-Line Test Handlers. (Case Study) 6TL32 FastATE In-Line Test Handlers for ICT Test, In a world where electronics play a vital role, ensuring the quality and efficiency of printed circuit boards (PCBs) has become crucial. Conducting In-Circuit tests is essential to identify potential faults in components and ensure the proper functioning of electronic devices. This case study focuses on an electronics manufacturing company facing significant challenges in conducting…

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YAV90MMU, 4¾ Digit DMM with 16-Ch Mux

Lees meer over het artikel YAV90MMU, 4¾ Digit DMM with 16-Ch Mux
YAVModules Switches, Matrix and Multiplexors.

YAV90MMU Programmable Measurement Unit 4¾ digit True RMS Auto-Range, up to 600 VAC VAC, VDC, Ohms, Pt100, IAC, IDC, Capacitors, Diodes Frequency meter (Up to 400 MHz) and Duty Cycle (Up to 1 MHz) Peak hold function Scanner x16 [600VRMS Measurement Channels] Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (DWV) >1500V between Measurement Channels Two isolated and programmable pulse generator channels. Selectable output voltage. External Trigger-In and Trigger-Out SMB connectors CAN bus or Ethernet control Ethernet to CAN bus gateway…

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Fully Automated In-system programming (ISP)

What is ISP (In-System Programming)  In-system programming (ISP), also called in-circuit serial programming (ICSP), is the ability of some programmable logic devices, microcontrollers, and other embedded devices to be programmed while installed in a complete system, rather than requiring the chip to be programmed prior to installing it into the system. It allows firmware updates to be delivered to the on-chip memory of microcontrollers and related processors without requiring specialist programming circuitry on the circuit board, and simplifies design work.  There…

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Efficiënter & sneller testsystemen bouwen met Yavmodules.

Waarom moet Elektronica worden getest? Elektronica componenten vindt men bijna overal tegenwoordig en met de 4e industriële revolutie (Smart Industrie) en IOT (Internet der dingen) voor de deur, zullen we in de toekomst steeds meer en vaker elektronica tegenkomen in de door ons aangeschafte producten. Het ontwerpen van een testsysteem voor het ICT en/of FCT testen van deze elektronica kan veel efficiënter en dus worden verbetert door de inzet van Yavmodules. 6TL-22 testsysteem met G12 Mass…

Lees verderEfficiënter & sneller testsystemen bouwen met Yavmodules.

CANBus Multi sensor for ATE.

CAN Bus sensor,  ºC, %RH & hPa Transmitter. In Automatic test systems (ATE's) a change of temperature or humidity will influence the stability of your measurements in case your test equipment is not located in a very tightly controlled and air conditioned area. To cope with these variable situations you need to monitor closely all variables in real time to be able to compensate for changes in the temperature, pressure or Humidity. This is exactly what…

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Eliminating cabling in ATE makes sense.

Minimising cabling in Automatic Test Equipment does make sense!  When designing ATE’s for Printed Circuit board or module testing, short signal lengths has always been an important factor in making your ATE more stable and reliable. If you are building a functional ATE then good quality cabling is even more important, due to the more complex signals to be measured. With new technologies that work with higher data rates and need more bandwidth, cabling can become even…

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LED lighting tester van 6TL engineering.

The modular approach off the fastATE technology from 6TL enables engineers to develop and build complete test solutions in record time, in this newsletter we like to show you a project we dit for a LED lighting tester. With fastATE test Platforms. the engineers from 6TL understood the advantages of molecularity already 30 years ago. Since then they developed what they now call fastATE as a modular solution to build any type and size, base Test…

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6TL-24 combinatie tester voor ICT en FCT.

Romex, introduceert de nieuwe 6TL-24 combinatie tester. Een combinatie tester is in staat om zowel In-Circuit (ICT), Boundary-Scan (B-Scan) en Functionele testen (FCT) in één testsysteem samen te brengen en te combineren door gebruik te maken van zogenaamde " Dual Stage" testfixture technologie. Voor het testen van elektronica moet vaak de keuze worden gemaakt welke testen er belangrijk zijn om uw ontwerp goed te kunnen testen en met de juiste testdekking. Afhankelijk van de markt waarin…

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fastATE Test offers true flexibility.

fastATE, True flexibility in test. Since many years testing your printed circuit boards (PCB’s) is typically done on a bed of nails type of test fixture. The spring loaded testprobes make contact to the printed circuit board and are individually wired via switches to measurement instrumentation. A software developed test sequence will measure al the required points one by one to determine if your PCB is good or faulty. With fastATE test we are not changing…

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YAV90059 multiplexer volledig Configureerbaar.

De configureerbare YAV90059 multiplexer van 6TL Engineering. Deze multiplexer is speciaal ontwikkeld voor gebruik in test en meetsystemen. De YAV90059 configureerbare multiplexer is onderdeel van het 6TL fastATE concept. Een concept wat is ontwikkeld speciaal voor iedereen die een testsysteem wil gaan ontwikkelen. Met fastATE is iedere engineer in staat een testsysteem te ontwikkelen en te bouwen, of te laten bouwen, in een zeer korte tijd, zonder dat er concessies hoeven te worden gedaan aan de…

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SMART testsystems (LEGO Approach)

Smart test systems, ready for the future. The world as we know it today has been going through three major technological revolutions. After the first Industrial Revolution, beginning in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century and ending in the mid-19th century, moving from an agrarian economy to the introduction of mechanical production methods, and the second Industrial revolution moving from the industrial production and the birth of the factory at the start of the 20th century introducing an…

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