Product Concept, Strategy and DFT (Design for Test)

Most test solution providers are content to take the output of your creative process and deliver a limited test solution. ECT and Romex are committed delivering the best possible test solution for your product. We offer front end consulting and concurrent engineering services to insure that you will have a clear differentiator from your competition. To get the best result it is vital that you overthink test already during the design process, using Design For Test or DFT.
Technology Review
DFT Consulting and Analysis
The earlier you do DFT in your product life cycle, the less expensive the total cost of ownership. We can offer every level of DFT from a quick check to an exhaustive evaluation and recommendations. Advice, review, assistance … all are parts of the vast array of consulting services we provide to you.
- If you want to get early advice on strategies to meet your technologies, we can do that.
- If you want us to perform a DFT analysis on your new design, we can do that.
- If you want us to explain DFT to your design team and help you create or refine your DFT guidelines, we can do that.
- If you want us to evaluate your existing test solutions to determine coverage, completeness and effectiveness, we can do that.
Whatever your needs, bring them to us. We can arrange a conference call or we can bring our content experts to your location for a full discussion.
A DFT analysis can mean different things to different people. ECT can provide pretty much anything you need from a simple CAD and schematic review to a full blown, part by part test software and fixture mechanical analysis.The fastest review can be accomplished with CAD and a schematic in searchable PDF format. For more detailed results, we will need an AVL BOM, a FAB drawing, Gerber files and a requirements/specification document describing any special needs you have for your test solution.
Location, Schedule and Resource Planning
- Where are you doing NPI?
- Where are you doing volume manufacturing?
- What kinds of test equipment or revision of software is in use?
- What supplemental skills and experience will be required?
- How long does it take to ship equipment to this location?
- What hidden costs do you need to be aware of?